Supporting Implementation of Reflective Supervision within Agencies, Organizations & Systems
Track II: Supporting Implementation of Reflective Supervision within Agencies, Organizations & Systems provides participants with tools and skill to strengthen planning, administrative practices and structures that support full implementation of relationship-based reflective supervision and reflective practices within an organization or system. This training is a systems-focused, equity-informed approach that helps to build and sustain reflective practices through incorporating collaboration, attunement, diversity, and inclusion at every level of the program and in all the tasks and processes, from program development to record keeping and clinical services. Participants are asked to come with a team or partners from their organization, at least one of whom has completed the Track I training. They will be asked to identify a concern or problem in their organization or system to consider for change or enhancement. This will become the focus of their work in the smaller Community of Learner sessions, where they can explore and apply ideas presented during the online group sessions.
Other Competencies Covered:
Parallel Process
Supporting Others